Configurable library shelving and storage system

Nov 3, 2022 | Fixed shelving storage systems

Libraries and documentation centers are important, but they can be so messy!

In today’s public libraries, space is often at a premium.
Shelves are crammed with books, and every nook and cranny is used to its full potential. As a result, it can be difficult to find the books you need.
A public library needs a shelving and storage system that is both efficient and elegant.
Inefficient storage systems are one of the main causes of library disorganization.
It’s hard to store so much documentation without becoming disorganized!
But not with the Hybria storage system!
The Hybrida configurable library shelving and storage system can help you solve this problem. It lets you store books in an organized way so you can find them easily when you need them.
The configurable storage and shelving system for Hybria® bookshelves combines the elegance of the Aetnastak fixed shelving and efficiency of SmartShelf conventional shelving. The Hybria storage system is an additional alternative for library and documentation center layout.
Inspired by contemporary European design, the configurable storage and shelving system for Hybria® bookcases also combines the space-saving benefits of the SmartShelf system and most of the available accessories from Aenastak.
This configurable shelving system is beautiful and efficient.
Hybria is perfect for anyone looking for flexibility and strength, making it the ideal choice for libraries or documentation centers.
At Prisma Storage, we offer the perfect solution for anyone looking for an elegant and efficient way to store large volumes of material.
This shelving system can be easily configured to meet specific library requirements.
Organizing municipal libraries can be a daunting task, but with the Hybria system, it’s easy to keep everything in its place!

Library storage

Library classification is really important for finding what you’re looking for among a wide range of books and works.
A classification system was developed by Melvile Deway in 1876 and is still used today. The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) is a system for classifying a library’s entire holdings.
The ten Dewey classes correspond to nine basic disciplines: philosophy, religion, social sciences, languages, pure sciences, technology, fine arts and leisure, literature, geography and history, plus a general class.
Municipal libraries are divided into three categories: public, academic and special.
Public libraries are the most common type of library, and are generally funded by local taxes.
They offer a wide range of materials and services to the general public. Academic libraries are generally affiliated with colleges and universities.
They provide resources to support their school’s educational mission.
Special libraries include corporate libraries, government libraries, law libraries, medical libraries, etc.
Each type of library has its own classification system.

Why opt for municipal library classification?

A public library needs to be classified to help library staff and the public find books easily.
Public library classification is based on a system that uses numbers and letters to arrange books on shelves according to subject.
For example, all books on animals would be arranged together in the same section.
This system makes it easy for people to find the books they’re looking for, and it also helps library staff know where to put new books.
It’s important to classify a public library correctly, as this allows the library to function better and makes it easier for people to use.
Municipal library classification systems can help standardize the way libraries are managed.
This makes it easier for library staff to find books when they need them, and can help give libraries a consistent appearance.
As well as making it easier to find books, the classification system also helps librarians to know which books are borrowed most often, so they can purchase new copies if necessary.
In short, municipal library classification systems can be extremely useful in ensuring that libraries are well organized and easy to use.
Whatever their size or classification, all municipal libraries play an important role in promoting literacy and access to information for all members of the community.

Different filing methods for libraries

There are several ways of classifying books in a library. If it can help you with your tidying, here are a few examples:

  • In alphabetical order
  • By color
  • By publisher
  • By rating and favorites
  • By format
  • By genre
  • By nationality
  • By philosophical affinity

So, in the case of Dewey’s classification, classification by genre would be preferable. He would tell us that it is not possible to document a subject without knowing very precisely to which discipline it belongs.

Why choose the Hybrida storage system for your bookcase?

If you’re looking for a flexible, attractive storage solution, the Hybria configurable bookcase shelving and storage system from Rangement Prisma is the ideal choice.
This system combines the advantages of the SmartShelf in terms of space-saving, with numerous accessories available on the Aenastak system.
It can be reconfigured and relocated, making it ideal for municipal libraries.
What’s more, it can be installed on mobile storage systems, making it perfect for much more than book storage.
It’s an additional alternative for the design of libraries and documentation centers.
With the Hybria storage system, you can finally have a beautiful, functional library or documentation center to be proud of.
With its elegant design, the Hybria bookcase storage system is sure to add style to any room. What’s more, its efficiency makes it the perfect choice for anyone looking for a great way to store books or other documents.
Stop settling for ugly, outdated shelving – procure yourself the Hybria storage system today!
With its contemporary European design, the Hybria takes up very little space.
Municipal libraries are responsible for filing a wide variety of documents, from birth certificates to property tax records. The Hybria configurable library shelving and storage system is an ideal solution for storing these important documents!
The system can be expanded, reconfigured and relocated as required, and comes with a variety of accessories to ensure that all your documents are stored securely.
With the Hybria system, you can have the best of both worlds: the space-saving benefits of the SmartShelf system and the flexibility of the Aenastak system.
At the same time, it can be extended, reconfigured and relocated to suit your needs. In addition to providing great flexibility and sturdiness, the Hybria fixed storage system can be installed on mobile storage systems and can therefore be used for more than just book storage.

Keep in mind that space management is essential to the smooth running of a library!

Start your storage project for libraries today!

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