Double your tire storage space with Rack&Roll

Nov 14, 2019 | Commercial

Winter is here, and with it, the tire storage, a service that takes up a lot of space in your already crowded warehouse. How can you maximize your space to double your storage capacity?


Rack&Roll is a high-density mobile storage system for heavy loads. Designed for tire storage, its customizable structure doubles your capacity and optimizes more than half of the space. If you’re not already convinced, here’s why it’s the solution you’ve been looking for to store your tires:

  • Double your tire storage capacity:

While keeping the same floor space, Rack&Roll frees up to 50% of space with a capacity of 16,000 lbs per double bay.

  • Customize your system with adjustable accessories:

The controls, monitoring system, and aisle programming are just a few aspects of the Rack&Roll mobile storage system. You can customize it to build a storage system tailored to your business’s needs.

  • Get a quick return on investment:

With better access to your inventory and optimized tire storage space, your production costs drop, while your output increases. In short, it’s an investment, not an expense.

  • Reduce injuries and accidents:

Moving and handling inventory causes many workplace accidents that an optimized storage system could have prevented. Rack&Roll is designed to meet the industry’s strictest regulations. Thus, you offer not only better customer service but also a safer work environment.

  • Quickly and easily access your tire inventory:

Thanks to its mechanical or motorized system, Rack&Roll gives you quick access to your inventory, organized ergonomically, allowing you to move your stock more efficiently.

  • Minimize the space used for tire storage:

By optimizing your storage space, you regain a large portion of your usable surface area, speed up the inventory process, and reduce storage-related costs. Additionally, by lowering your energy expenses, Rack&Roll proves to be an eco-friendly solution.

  • Diversify your offerings with a wider product selection:

A larger tire storage capacity means a greater sales capacity! If you optimize your space, you can offer more products to your customers.

Watch our video on how to double tire storage with the Rack&Roll mobile storage system.


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