Discover our online catalog to explore our exclusive selection of top-quality products. From innovative technology and state-of-the-art equipment to the latest furniture trends, our catalog offers a diverse range to meet all your needs. Browse our products with ease and find what you’re looking for in just a few clicks. At Groupe SOMR, excellence is our commitment, and our catalog reflects it. Explore now and let yourself be seduced by our exceptional collection.
Based on decades of expertise and innovation
Groupe SOMR is much more than a company: it’s a vision embodied in every product and service we offer. Committed to providing superior solutions in technology, equipment, furniture and more, our passion for excellence is reflected in every aspect of our business, from design to delivery, to deliver an exceptional experience every step of the way. Explore our expertise through our online catalog and discover our wide range of products.
Discover Montel inc. online catalogs.
Montel Inc. excels in storage furniture. Thanks to its online catalog, the company offers innovative solutions for optimizing storage space, simplifying your needs for organizing and managing available space efficiently.
Discover Miltybilt’s online catalog
Discover Mitybilt, specialist in off-road equipment. Plus, browse our online catalog for rugged bumpers, winches and accessories. What’s more, our superior quality and dedicated customer service guarantee limitless adventures.